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"Theorizing Notation: 1959--1965" [2024] | Script | Slides

Conference paper discussing early attempts by Karlheinz Stockhausen and György Ligeti to develop "notation theory" able to explain the sudden deluge of new notations which swept Euro-American modernist composition in the 1950s and '60s. Presentation delivered at the West Coast Conference of Music Theory and Analysis (WCCMTA), UC Irvine, 18 May 2024.

"Scoring the Unknown: Rethinking Fixity and Openness in Western Art Music Notation" [2023]

My dissertation on new notations for improvisers and what they have to tell us about music notation more generally.

On the Use and Interpretation of Otto-Glyphs [2023]

The most recent version of the instruction manual for my bespoke notation-for-improvisers. This is provided to my players prior to rehearsal as a primer.

Program notes for "I Die Each Time I Hear the Sound" [2023]

The (extremely brief but stylish) program notes for my capstone concert at UCI.

"Pan-modal Optimism // Spectral Pessimism: Notational mediation in the works of Horațiu Rădulescu and Anthony Braxton" [2022]

A short paper I wrote for a music seminar at UCI demonstrating the ways that the two composers' notations reveal facets of their philosophical worldviews.